Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Fall Growing Season

The landscape here has always seemed lush, but recently the hills have become even more green and fuzzy. It looks like they are chia-mountains -- the rain starts and everything sprouts.

If you look really closely, you can see a white-ish spot on the left side of this picture. It is a man in a lift trimming trees.He is completely surrounded by growing green stuff. The only way I saw him from the road was that I heard the sound of his chain saw.The palm trees all have new leaves poking out the top.

It is apparently tangerine season. If you look closely, you can see the tangerines on top of the tree in this yard.I got closer to this yard.
One of the professors in my office suite brings in a bag of tangerines every few days -- fresh off the tree. Some people are so used to the bounty of this island they don't see it as precious. One said, "Oh yeah, tangerines. I'm tired of tangerines. I'm looking for someone with mangos."I'm not sure, but these could be mangoes, which means he will need to wait for awhile (they're pretty green still).