According to Rick the biology major, this is a Noni fruit. We walked by it this morning on the way to meet my ride-share. There were several of them nice and low so I could get a picture.
They were in the front yard of a house in the neighborhood I walk through. Other houses had lemons, tangerines and a tree I thought had oranges but Rick thought had grapefruit. They were much too tall for me to take a picture of without a zoom, which doesn't yet come with the iPhone. People bring fruit from their yards in to the office all the time. So far, I've gotten tangerines, little bananas and guavas (which I wasn't sure how to eat so I looked it up on the internet).
I sometimes think you could grow things here by just sitting in a field and thinking real hard about it. It is so different from Colorado's five-minute growing season. And things grow so big! This weekend we made guacamole from a large avocado Rick got at the Farmers Market and it was too much for us to finish -- one avocado made more than two people could eat. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture before I turned it into tasty mush.
This is the ripe papaya I bought at the Farmers Market on campus last Friday. It was Sunday breakfast before we went to the beach. The mango is next.