I heard the rain this morning in my sleep and was very happy I could just turn over and go back to sleep. Later, the actual rain stopped and the air held a light mist, like a plant mister was spraying the whole town. For lunch, we walked to a new pub that is just opened. It's somewhat like Connor O'Neil's but smaller.
I think Hawaii is headed for a rainy season. My pay stub this week had the following notice typed on the bottom in capital letters:
(I took some pictures on campus Thursday and Friday that I'm going to just randomly add to this post because they're pretty and it's hard to take pictures of rain with an iPhone.)
"Hurricane season ends in a few weeks and Hawaii's rainy season begins. The potential for earthquakes, tsunamis, and other natural and man-made hazards is always with us. When disaster strikes Hawaii's people, I may call upon you to help the victims. During or following a disaster, every state employee is considered a civil defense worker and may be assigmed response or recovery duties. Linda Lingle, Governor."
The notice makes me wonder about the uniform for civil defense workers. I'm thinking they'll issue me a Smokey the Bear hat, small camping shovel and maybe cammo flip flops. I'm unclear as to whether it will involve a lei, but that is possible. Every public event seems to involve floral neckware.
So, the past two days have been glorious. Thursday and Friday were golden!