[This was originally posted in December, but a news story today discussed the same thing so I'm reposting it with the story linked.]
At noon, a truck pulls up behind the building where I work. Next to the UPS, FedEx and other delivery trucks, it opens a side window and begins to serve lunch.

Across the island, lunch trucks sell plate lunches.
An AP story today described what plate lunches are when talking about Obama food favorites:
Eat at Obama Favorite Isle Spots Link
This one in Kailua specializes in curry. It also provides an outdoor table or two with umbrellas.
The truck next to it provides tacos!
This is my favorite, though. It is in Honolulu just down Kapiolani from the Ala Moana Mall.
The guy inside opens the window and reaches out to the grill to cook steaks. See anything you like on the menu?