Saturday, March 28, 2009

Top 10 things to do without power

Top 10 things to do without power (for Earth Hour):

10:  Try to figure out what time it is on the mainland without using world clocks on my iPhone.
9:  Use words to describe things instead of just "hey look at this!" attached to digital photo.
8:  Step way from the seductive glow of the laptop screen & look out an actual window.
7:  Concoct libations without blender. Check. Martini shaker allowed. :)
6:  Concoct libations without ice. AK! :( Wait, where's the corkscrew?
5:  Ponder environmental impact of whale oil lamps. How far does the no-power regress go?
4:  Strike "clean bathroom" off to-do list because no light. Embrace power of procrastination.
3:  Wonder how to tell when hour is over. Sundial not functional in dark.
2:  Wonder if drinking warm wine in the dark without consulting Twitter counts as meditation.
1:  Oh come on, the hard thing was coming up the the other 9!

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